Sustainable Development Strategy

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The European Parliament is one of the most important institutions of the European Union, with the most important power in the decision making process. The European Parliament is the representative institution of the European citizens on most issues dimensions and this Strategy has the purpose to offer new ways to solve the problems that exist in the member states and to find the measures that could be taken to improve the life of the European citizens and to create a better cohesion between them and the European institutions. The Sustainable Development Strategy aim is to identify and develop actions to enable the European Union to achieve continuous improvement of the life quality for current and future generations, in accordance with the Sustainable Development.

Need (objective) To reduce the use of nonrenewable natural resources.

Measures / actions specify By using them to a level does not overcome the delivery capacity of the environment.

Term Between 5 and 10 years.

Reference documents for the decision of implementation The Kyoto Protocol (1997), UNEO.

Implementation level (European, national, regional, local, institutional) European, national, regional, local and institutional.

Actors directly involved Ministry of Environment, Ministry of Finance.

Structural Assistant Environmental non-guvernamental organization (ENGOs), UNESCO, Green Peace.

Other issues if necessary

Need (objective) To restore degraded marine eco-systems.

Measures / actions specify By establishing specially protected marine areas and avoiding the overcome of illegal fishing.

Term Between 3 and 9 years.

Reference documents for the decision of implementation Declaration of 26 terrestrial and 1 marine protection area(s), Marine Fisheries Act (2006).

Implementation level (European, national, regional, local, institutional) European and national.

Actors directly involved Ministry of Environment, Ministry of Finance.

Structural Assistant Environmental non-guvernamental organization (ENGOs), UNESCO, Green Peace.

Other issues if necessary

Need (objective) To promote sustainable development.

Measures / actions specify To raise the volume of humanitarian aid.

Term Between 3 and 10 years.

Reference documents for the decision of implementation Public Health Act (2003), Introduction of Ombudsman for Health and Social Solidarity.

Implementation level (European, national, regional, local, institutional) European, national, regional, local and institutional.

Actors directly involved Ministry of Public Health, Ministry of Finance.

Structural Assistant Non-guvernamental organization (ENGOs) like: HEAL, EuroHealthNet, Health First Europe etc.

Other issues if necessary

Need (objective) To promote increased employment of young people.

Measures / actions specify Fund for human resources development and scholarships established and job guarantee for young people after three months;

Term Between 2 and 10 years.

Reference documents for the decision of implementation Youth work strategy (2006), Social guarantee for youth, European Youth Pact (2006).

Implementation level (European, national, regional, local, institutional) European, national, regional and local.

Actors directly involved Ministry of Education, Research, Youth and Sport, Ministry of Finance.

Structural Assistant AFS(Asociatia Formare Studia) etc.

Other issues if necessary

Need (objective) To reduce transport noise.

Measures / actions specify By making new urban traffic plans, silent road surfaces, noise walls and mapping noise sources.

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