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Actiuni succesive, de scurta durata.

Cu valoare de viitor pentru actiuni ce vor avea loc conform unui orar oficial.

1. every day/ week, always, usually, often, seldom, sometimes, rafely; A: S+vb* I: do/does+S+vb? N: S+do/does+not+vb *+ s la pers III sg.

+ es la vb. scurte (do, go) si cele terminate in k, s, x, z I go to school evrey day.

He goes to school every day.

The Earth moves round the Sun He comes into the room, goes to his chair and sits down.

4. Tomorrow the train leaves at 10: 30 The Present Tense Continuous Actiuni ce se petrec in momentul vorbirii.

Actiuni temporare ce prezinta o exceptie de la desfasurarea normala a actiunii.

Actiuni enervante, deranjante.

Cu valoare de viitor pentru actiuni planificate in prezent.

now, at this moment; today, this week /month always; A: S+to be (am/are) +vb+ing I: to be+S+vb+ing? N: S+to be+not+vb+ing I am writing now.

I usually go to school in the morning but today I am going in the afternoon.

He s always singing in the bathroom.

He are spending our summer holidays in Italy.

The Future Tense Simple Actiune viitoare.

tomorrow, next week/, in two day s time; A: S+shall/will+vb I: shall/will+S+vb? N: S+shall/will+not+vb (shan t/won t) Tomorrow I will sleep until nine o clock. The Future Tense Continuous Actiune vazuta in desfasurare intr-un moment viitor at this time tomorrow, between 5 and 6 next week; A: S+shall/will+be+vb+ing I: shall/will+S+be+vb+ing? N: S+shall/will+not+be+vb+ing (shan t/won t) At this time tomorrow I will be watching TV.

Going to Future (viitorul de intentie) Exprima o actiune viitoare ce va avea loc ca urmare a unei intentii prezente.

Tomorrow, next week/, in two day s time; A: S+to be+going to+vb I: to be+S+goin to+vb? N: S+to be+not+going to+vb I m going to read this book next week.

It s going to rain.

Timpul Utilizare Adverbe Formare Exemple The Present Perfect Simple Traducere: 1, 2, 3, 4 prin pf.

compus 5 prin prezent Actiuni trecute al carui moment nu este precizat.

Actiuni care tocmai s-au incheiat.

Actiuni ce se desfasoara in perioade de timp neancheiate Cu anumite adverbe de timp.

Actiuni incepute in trecut ce pot continua in prezent si chiar in viitor.

just, already (la A) si yet (la N si I); today, this. never, ever, leatly, recently, sometimes; since, for; A: S+have/has+vb. III I: have/has+vb. III? N: S+have/has+not+vb. III I have read this book.

I have just meet him I have seen three films this week.

I have never been to Paris Have you ever eaten smails? (melci) I have studied English for five years.

The Present Perfect Continuous Ca la punctul 5 de la timpul anterior subliniindu-se ideea de continuitate neantrerupta a ...

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Tip document:
Limba și Literatura Română
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