Studiu de Caz Rover

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Publicat de: Simion Gal
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Business Transformation

The Evolution of MG Rover

Situation: A whirlwind of business circumstances engulfs the UK automotive marketplace. Imagine your company is broken up and sold. You no longer own your service parts supply chain. Your access to financial resources is limited. Competitors are poised to take your customers away. Vehicle owners and suppliers are nervous about your ability to survive.

Challenge: How do you serve the aftermarket needs of your customers in the face of such turmoil?

Solution: Select and empower a supply chain partner with responsibilities far beyond the traditional to operate your entire aftermarket parts business from end-to-end.

Business Transformare

Evoluţia MG Rover

Situaţia: O furtuna de circumstanţe de afaceri înghite piaţa de automobile din Regatul Unit. Imaginează-ţi compania falimentată şi vândută. Acum nu mai detii propriul lanţ de aprovizionare cu piese auto. Accesul la resursele financiare este limitat. Concurentii sunt focalizati să vă ia clienţii. Proprietarii de vehicule si furnizorii sunt agitati in legatura cu capacitatea ta de a supravieţui.

Challenge: Cum vei servi nevoile Aftermarket ale clienţilor tai în faţa unor astfel de tensiuni?

Soluţie: A selectat şi împuternicit un partener care sa asigure managementul retelelor de distributie end-to-end dar si activitatile afremarket.

In 1975 British Leyland (then parent of the Rover Group) encountered financial difficulties that essentially led to nationalization of the company. The British government proceeded to buy out British Leyland in one of the first transactions of its kind. The business’ profitable parts segment was privatized, creating a company named Unipart.

În 1975 British Leyland (parinte al Rover Group) a întâmpinat dificultăţi financiare, care în esenţă, au condus la naţionalizare a companiei, care a fost cumparata de Guvernul britanic. Segmentul profitabil a fost privatizat creand o companie numita Unipart.

Fast forward to 1988 when British Aerospace purchased the Rover Group. Then, after six years, the Rover Group was taken over by German automotive giant BMW. The Rover Group received only a meager commission on parts sales from Unipart. Though service from Unipart was good, BMW sought to regain control of the lucrative parts segment of the Rover business. BMW had always been very successful operating their own in-house parts business and considered a 3PL foreign to their way of doing business.

în 1988 British Aerospace a cumpărat Rover Group. Apoi, după şase ani, Rover Group a fost preluata de gigantul german de automobile BMW. Rover Group a primit doar un comision de pe piesele vândute de Unipart.

Deşi serviciul de la Unipart a fost bun, BMW a încercat să recâştige controlul asupra lucrativ părţi segment al Rover de afaceri. BMW a fost întotdeauna foarte mare succes de operare propriile lor in-house şi piese de afaceri considerat un 3PL străine la modul lor de a face afaceri.

Changes create opportunity with Cat Logistics

Before returning to an in-house parts operation, the Rover Group prevailed upon BMW to study a different business model and review the success that Land Rover was achieving throughout Europe and the U.S. using Caterpillar Logistics Services. Initially, their national operations had been concerned about losing control of their own warehouses in their own markets, but Cat Logistics’ performance removed those doubts by delivering higher service levels than ever before, proving the decision to be a sensible strategic change. After considerable review, BMW elected to go with Caterpillar Logistics for all of the Rover business, following the precedent established by the Cat Logistics – Land Rover relationship. At that time, BMW committed to an enormous new Rover parts distribution warehouse near Desford in Leicestershire, England, that would become one of the largest in Europe, serving both Rover cars and Land Rover.

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