Export Business Plan

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Domeniu: Marketing
Conține 1 fișier: doc
Pagini : 17 în total
Cuvinte : 2074
Mărime: 42.93KB (arhivat)
Publicat de: Mihnea Costache
Puncte necesare: 6

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The major products of the company are:

1) Aerated autoclaved concrete

2) Mineral basaltic wool

3) Terracotta tiles

4) Polystyrene

5) Roof tiles

6) Marble tiles

The product with best potential for international trade is:

1) Mineral basaltic wool

The reasons that make our product unique for an overseas market are:

1) Competitive price

2) High quality

Reasons for the international buyers to purchase our company's products are:

1) Competitive price

2) High quality

3) Good location

4) Low transportation expenses

5) Low import taxes

Inventory to sell overseas: 10% of the entire production – 400 tones

Products Reason for export success

1) Mineral wool High quality and a competitive price

Good location and low transportation expenses

Low import taxes

DECISION POINT: The product we have chosen to sell overseas is mineral basaltic wool.


Our long-term goals for this business are:

- increase export sales by 10% - 30% annually

- increase production for exports by 50%

- the exports sales should have a 20% average of the company's total sales

- establish a distribution network with at least 5 distributors in each export country

- the cost for export production should be maintained constant

- increase market share up to 10% in each country

- increase the advertising budget by 60%

Our short-term goals are:

- attending to international fairs

- sending our company's presentation and offers to as many companies as possible

- increasing the company's image by advertising on foreign markets

- increasing the occasional sales on each market

- establish a business relation with a international spedition company

- attend export and other related seminars

Our two-year goal is:

- establish a durable business connection with 1 company (distributor) on each market

Action plan to reach our short-terms goals:

- to hire highly qualified personal to fulfill the company's tasks

- to adopt new ways of thinking and working (brainstorming, weekly meetings,etc.)

- to connect the company to all necessary media (Internet, Radio, TV)

- to have articles about the company in specialized magazines

- to connect the company to the Chamber of Commerce and International Trade (local headquarters)


- Industry's growth for the next 3 years: 10%

- Industry's growth in the international market: 12%

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