Lugoj My Town

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Lugoj is situated on the middle course of the river Timis in the south-western part of Romania. From the landscape point of view it is surrounded by a hilly zone for grape culture. Population reaches aproximately 50, 000 inhabitants. Lugoj is known as a town were orthodox religion has always been worshiped. Here appeared for the first time the first Romanian theatre. The first type of culture organisation appeared in the same time with the first publications of the local newspaper: Desteptarea; Drapelul; Actiunea; Banatul; Rasunetul. It is also famous for the enthusiastic participation of his dwellers at the Marea Unire, which took place in 1 Decembre 1918. In Lugoj always existed religious and orthodox activities. Here were built many churches which shelter old books and many worship objects. The name of this town is also bound of the creation of the Philarmonic orchestra which is the first school construction built with the help of the church (1736) and also with the help of many famous people who contributed at the spiritual evolution of the town, as, for exemple: Coriolan Brediceanu, A. C. Popovici, Ioan Vidu, Traian Grozavescu, Tiberiu Brediceanu. The main attraction is yet represented by the old spirit of Lugoj. Here we can admire the left part of the Sfantul Nicolae church which was built in 1402, in the memory of Nicolae Paraianu, by his wife. Nicolae Paraianu was a local governor who died heroically fighting the Turks, together with other brave fighters from Banat. The cultural institution are represented by the Hystorical and Etymological Museum, The Culture house, The Theatre, The Music House.

Another important historic monument, which was built in the Baroque style is the Adormirea Maicii Domnului church. This monument shelters important historical and artistical values. The church has become the symbol of the town. It was built between 1759-1766. The main founder of this monument was Gavril Gurean. We can also admire in Lugoj monuments like Hanul Postei; Monumentul Unirii; and Obeliscul which is rising on Campia Libertatii. It is to be found at the Hanul Postei which is an historical monument having more then 300 art objects. Most of them proceed from the parishes which are in Faget or near Lugoj. Here we can see old icons, worship objects, crosses, manuscripts, and ancient heraldic pieces. This little museum has a historical, reference, literary and artistic importance. The Historical Graveyard represents a really citadel of the silence and of the eternal peace, being also a saint monument representing the Romanian virtues. It is situated at the outskirts of the town at the foot of the hills Dealul Viilor. It dates from the second part of the 18th century and it has a chapel which now is a prayer place. Here are burried famous people from the Romanian political and culture life who had a major influence in the life of the town. ...

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  • Lugoj My Town
    • Referat.doc
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9/10 (2 voturi)
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1 fisier
Pagini (total):
2 pagini
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Nr cuvinte:
498 cuvinte
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7.78KB (arhivat)
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Anonymous A.
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