Jonathan Swift

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He was one of the first authors who used black humour and irony to draw the people s attention to problems like poverty and misery in Ireland in the 17th and 18th century.

- 1696 he went to England (to Farnham) and became secretary of Sir William Temple - a famous politician and author- who was a relative of Swift s mother - 1713 Jonathan Swift was one of the founders of the Sciblerus-Club - since 1728 he suffered from loneliness and mental illness - died 19. 10. 1745 in Dublin Jonathan Swift s works: 1697 The Battle of the Books (a book about the differences between modern and ancient literature) 1704 A Tale of a Tub (his funniest and most witty satire, about anger between the confessions) 1704 A Full and True Account on the Battle Fought last Friday, Between the Antient and the Modern Books in St. James s Library 1710-1715 Jounal to Stella (published in 1784) 1726 Gulliver s Travels (his most famous story) ...

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  • Jonathan Swift
    • Referat.doc
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1 fisier
Pagini (total):
2 pagini
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1 imagini
Nr cuvinte:
224 cuvinte
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1 230 caractere
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Anonymous A.
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