Hope Leslie

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book is considered significant because of its strong feminist overtones and ideas of equity and fairness toward Native Americans, both of which were rare at the time the book was written. The book is a historical romance, set mostly in 1643. Historical figures appearing include Puritan leader John Winthrop and Puritan heretic Samuel Gorton, who appears in chains at a meeting house service, having been sentenced to appear at the service while awaiting trial and, later, deportation to England.

Plot summary

The story begins in England with William Fletcher, a young man involved with the Puritans who has decided to travel to the British colonies in America. He is in love with a girl named Alice, whose father has forbidden her marriage to Fletcher on account of religious difference. Alice's father forces her to marry Charles Leslie instead. In the Bay colony, Fletcher he marries an orphan girl, Martha, associated with the Winthrops. After living in Boston, Massachusetts for a while, William moves the family to the newly founded Springfield, Massachusetts.

While there, Fletcher receives two Indian children named Magawisca and Oneco for his guardianship. Magawisca is to be the servant girl to William's oldest boy, Everell. Shortly after welcoming the children, the family servant brings an Indian to the home who carries a scalp of an Indian chief. Magawisca thinks it is the scalp of her father, Mononotto, but soon learns it is from another chief. She learns that her father is still alive and gives the Indian a token to convey back to her father.

Soon, Fletcher receives notice that Alice Leslie has crossed the Atlantic but died in Boston, and has willed her two daughters, Alice and Mary, to him. Fletcher leaves for Boston to retrieve the two girls. While there he re-christens the girls Hope (Alice) and Faith (Mary). Mrs. Grafton, their aunt and Master Craddock, their tutor, accompany the girls. Fletcher becomes ill and sends Mrs. Grafton, Faith and Oneco home ahead of him.

Meanwhile, back in Springfield, Everell enjoys Magawisca's company and they exchange ideas. Everell compares her to Ruth from the Old Testament. The baby of the house was fond of Oneco, a favorite of all the young ones, especially Faith, who clings to Oneco to protect her. Mrs. Fletcher explains all of this in a letter to her husband and awaits his arrival. She also requests that Everell spend a few years in England for his education.

Nelema, an old Indian woman approaches to sell some goods and speaks to Magawisca. That night Everell and servant Digby take watch. Everell sees Magawisca disappear into the woods. Everell talks to her after she returns and tries to calm her. Magawisca tells him how his people had attacked her village and killed most everyone. Her father wants revenge for this treatment. Magawisca tells Everell that not all his laws are just. Digby sends them off to bed. Magawisca wants to warn Mrs. Fletcher of the coming

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Structură de fișiere:
  • Hope Leslie.doc
Alte informații:
Tipuri fișiere:
7/10 (6 voturi)
Nr fișiere:
1 fisier
Pagini (total):
2 pagini
Imagini extrase:
2 imagini
Nr cuvinte:
1 710 cuvinte
Nr caractere:
8 102 caractere
12.03KB (arhivat)
Publicat de:
Anonymous A.
Nivel studiu:
Tip document:
father, wife, revenge
la facultate
Angela Pintea