A period în hystory when i would like to leave

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The period of time I would have liked to live in is the end of the nineteen'th century and the beginning of the twenty'th century, right here in Romania. This period was a great one for our country as we know it nowadays. Then, they were took place great changes in everybody's lives , both commoners or nobles. In fact that was the time our country , Romania was given birth by our accomplishments in the War of Independence. In one word , this period turned people's lives in to better.

I would have liked to live back then, in those days, first of all, because I wish I were witness to some geat changes brought by great persons. When I say this I refer to king Carol the First and his wife, queen Elisabeth. They were not Romanians, they were german nobles, but gave tremendous help to Romanian people The main thing they did is bringing Romanian people together and giving them independence. I wish I could be part of the ones who live those moments of great joy , feeling myself free for real, for the first time in my life Being born as a free person does not bring as much happiness as gaining it does. More than that , I would have liked to know that I did something, as much as I could to bring independence to our people; to give them what they have desired for a very long time : freedom.

Secondly , another reason for which I would choose to live in that period is the great Queen Elisabeth. She was also known as Carmen Silva whish means the song of the forest. She was a very kind and very smart woman, from which I would have a lot of things to learn. She had a very important role in the transition of the modern woman. She appreciated arts and smarts girls and women. So, I like to think that , perhaps I would have got a chanse to advance in society as an independent woman

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  • A period in hystory when i would like to leave.docx
Alte informații:
Tipuri fișiere:
8/10 (1 voturi)
Nr fișiere:
1 fisier
Pagini (total):
3 pagini
Imagini extrase:
3 imagini
Nr cuvinte:
426 cuvinte
Nr caractere:
1 834 caractere
11.13KB (arhivat)
Publicat de:
Anonymous A.
Nivel studiu:
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Limba Engleză
history, period, life
la liceu