Managementul construcțiilor

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Domeniu: Construcții
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Publicat de: Petru Florescu
Puncte necesare: 5
referat in limba engleza

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Construction Industry is the most unstable as compared to other industries owing to the inability to mechanize operations and the high level of reliance on human work force. The need to develop some method of ensuring financial security for the investors is even more imperative when it comes to the construction industry. To be able to ensure that they reach to the expectation level of the clients o and be able to cater for hidden contingencies and risk factors in an intelligent manner companies need to have behind a really good project team, that can take care of all situations.

The construction industry encompasses, in parts, a variety of other industries such as mechanical, chemical, electrical etc. and demands the combined effort of a number of qualified professionals. This diversified area of influence often result in a number of conflicts leading to cost and time overruns in almost all construction projects. Right now in the world the situation is such that almost no project finishes on time or is on schedule. This can end up causing significant time as well as financial loss to the client and building users.

In most of the countries the introduction of technical progress, technological innovation, mechanization and automation of production processes, as well as a performance management system is guaranteed to increase economic efficiency.

Context of the problem

The British economic context, the transition from centralized economy to a market economy has paved the way economic reforms in all sectors, including the construction works.

Establishment of quality construction through legislative and administrative regulations is able to provide the approach and address these demands arising from the needs of users, society and nature.

Additionally, construction industry relies for the most part on human effort and human skill. All industries require involvement of trained personnel but engineering out the problems in the manufacturing industry are a lot easier owing to the fact that most of the production processes have now been mechanized, reducing the probability of error to less than 0.5%. Conversely, the construction industry relies heavily on the human work force to complete the project. This not only makes quality management and control harder, but also adds considerable risk to the project. This almost always ends up translating into financial risk to the owner, in addition to other kinds of risks. (Akintoye, McIntosh, Fitzgerald, 2000)

Construction management or constriction project management is known as the overall planning of a construction project while considering various aspects. The coordination and control of the project has to be done from the initial phase of it till its completion having as purpose the client’s satisfaction while meeting his requirements and delivering a functional and feasible project.

Project management is preferred to traditional management because the new design concepts, the assembly is precisely coordinated through the project itself, which binds tightly all business partners that participate in the new investment objective. Construction project management was initially a largely intuitive process, aided sometimes by type GANTT charts, which were initially an important progress, but later proved to be insufficient. They have appeared new principles and methods of cost management, time and resource projects that treat the construction project as a whole.

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